How Mental Health Can Affect Recovery from a Complex Traumatic Hand Injury
Complex traumatic hand injuries have been identified as stressful and life-changing events. Given the importance of the ability to use the hand in all aspects of life, individuals with complex traumatic hand injuries may experience serious consequences in physical, psychological, and overall social wellbeing. Current research has described the effects of complex traumatic hand injuries including, but not limited to, mental health issues that can limit functional outcomes.
How to Treat a Sprained Finger
Finger sprains and dislocations are common hand injuries. A sprain happens when the tough tissue that supports a joint is stretched too far. This tissue, called a ligament, can be partially or completely torn. The joint may also be dislocated.
7 hand exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome with pictures
Certain hand exercises can help relieve pressure on the median nerve and alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Exercises include stretches, wrist extensions, hand squeezing, and more.
Physical Therapy Exercise Program After a Colles' Fracture
If you have fallen onto an outstretched hand (or a FOOSH injury), then you may have suffered a Colles fracture. A Colles fracture a break in the radius bone of the forearm, very close to the wrist joint. It typically requires surgery to reduce or set the bones. You may have a long period of immobilization in a cast or splint after the injury
Managing Knuckle Pain: Relief and Recovery Based on Cause
A knuckle is a finger joint. Like other joints, it can experience injury or be affected by a health problem. Arthritis is the most common cause of knuckle pain. For some people, knuckle pain is one of the earliest signs of arthritis.