Causes and Treatments for Stiff Fingers
Having stiff fingers can be troubling, as can any loss of mobility. Although arthritis is a key cause of finger stiffness, there are other factors to consider. A doctor will want to thoroughly explore what is causing the issue before recommending treatment.
Overview of Radial Head Elbow Fracture
A radial head fracture is the most common type of elbow fracture that occurs in adults.1 This type of injury is most commonly caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand. Radial head fractures occur most often in two groups of patients: elderly women as a result of osteoporosis or young men as a result of significant trauma.
What Is The Funny Bone?
The funny bone is neither funny nor a bone. The source of pain when someone “hits their funny bone” is actually related to a nerve on the inside of the elbow. This nerve is called the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve is one of the three important nerves that control the hand. It supplies feeling to the pinky and ring finger.
Causes of Elbow Pain and Treatment Options
Elbow pain can range from the burning that comes with an inflamed tendon to the sharp pain of an elbow fracture. It can come and go. Or it can get steadily worse as you move your arm. Sometimes, the pain is paired with numbness and tingling in the hand.
Advice From A Certified Hand Therapist: Why Bite Injuries To The Hand And Arm Are Serious
According to Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity, dog bites are known as the most common type of animal bite in the United States, accounting for 60-90% of all bite wounds. Cat bites only make up 10-15% of animal bites, but they account for a higher number of infections overall. The difference in infection rate occurs because of the difference in mechanism of bites between cats and dogs.