Pain in Your Hand, Wrist or Elbow? When To Seek Help
Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. But it doesn’t always tell you exactly what’s wrong and if you need medical treatment. So, when pain develops in your hand, wrist or elbow, how do you know whether to treat it at home or see a doctor?
Elbow Dislocation
An elbow dislocation occurs when the bones of the forearm (the radius and ulna) move out of place compared with the bone of the upper arm (the humerus). The elbow joint, formed where these 3 bones meet, becomes dislocated, or out of joint.
How To Relieve Arthritis Pain in Your Thumb
When arthritis takes hold in your thumb, actions you may have taken for granted can become more challenging. Opening jars, turning door knobs or carrying a dinner plate can become monumental — and sometimes painful — feats.
Is Your Smartphone Affecting Your Pinky, Thumb, Neck or Elbow?
Cellphones have changed our lives, but are they also causing injuries? The internet seems to think so. Smartphone pinky is just one of many device-related injuries that have gone viral in recent years.
Wrist Pain Causes
Wrist pain has a lot of possible causes, including a sprain, tendonitis, arthritis, and fractures. Some may heal with rest, while others may need treatment and/or be chronic issues that have the potential to cause long-term pain in the wrist.