Baseball season is here: Watch out for UCL tears
Spring brings with it the joy of baseball, but too much of a good thing can lead to elbow injuries in young pitchers.
What Is a Sprained Wrist?
A sprained wrist is an injury that affects the ligaments, which are soft tissue structures connecting bone to bone. These injuries range in severity and often occur with trauma, such as a fall, or during sports activities. Mild wrist sprains usually heal within a few weeks, but severe injuries can require surgery.
Advice From A Certified Hand Therapist: What Is Raynaud's Disease?
Do your fingers turn pale when taking items out of the freezer? Is there stiffness and pain in your fingers in mildly cold weather, followed by redness and swelling as they warm up? If so, you may have Raynaud’s Disease, or Raynaud’s phenomenon. But how do you know the difference? Or if you know you have it?
Wrist Fractures: Treatment and a Warning for Osteoporosis
Wrist fractures, also known as distal radius fractures, account for 18% of all fractures in people age 65 and older. The wrist is a complex joint connecting the forearm's two bones—the radius and the ulna—to the hand.
Treating Hand Arthritis Without Surgery
There are many things we can do to try to improve arthritis symptoms when they occur. Conservative management of arthritis- meaning treatment without surgery- is almost always the first step. There are many options to try. Usually these treatments work best when they are used all together over several weeks or months