Don’t let shoulder pain sideline your summer
Shoulders are among the most frequently injured joints in the body, with the main culprit stemming from the rotator cuff, the part of the shoulder that allows you to lift and rotate your arms. Over 3 million Americans each year are affected by rotator cuff problems.
Erosive hand osteoarthritis linked to greater radiographic progression, structural damage
Erosive hand osteoarthritis tends to target older adults and women with preexisting OA, and is associated with severe articular structural damage and radiographic progression, according to data published in Arthritis & Rheumatology.
Bilateral oophorectomy increases risk for severe carpal tunnel syndrome
Premenopausal women who underwent bilateral oophorectomy had a higher risk for severe carpal tunnel syndrome compared with women who did not have the procedure, according to a study published in Menopause.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is not just an office workers' condition
Researchers at Henry Ford Health System have found that workers in construction and other manufacturing jobs are more susceptible for developing carpal tunnel syndrome than those who work in office jobs.
Advice From A Certified Hand Therapist: Healing And Early Outcomes Complicated By COVID-19
You may be surprised to know that it is typical for a patient to be seen for their first therapy visit three to five days after surgery. Here are some key points to remember if you or a loved one is receiving surgery or recently injured the upper extremity.