Hand Pain Causes and Treatment Options
Hand pain can have many causes because the hand is made up of many different parts. The bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, skin, and other structures that help the hands do a wide range of tasks can also be sources of pain.
Study finds adverse events common after diaphyseal forearm fracture surgery
According to published results, adverse events are common after diaphyseal forearm fracture surgery, thus these procedures may require special consideration and personnel.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Rotator Cuff Pain May Be Signs of Poor Heart Health
Having pain in your wrist, elbow, or shoulder can be the result of working a manual labor job, tackling physically demanding chores around the house, or simply getting older. However, new research suggests that these common aches and pains could also be linked to your heart health.
6 Hand Exercises for Multiple Sclerosis
Exercising your hands can help you improve range of motion, relieve stiffness, and alleviate numbness.
Study finds casts are as effective as surgery for older adults with arm fractures
A recent study in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research has found that cast immobilization is as effective as surgery for treating older patients with bone fractures near the wrist.